Radqueer codes archive

Radqueers are constantly changing their codes to try and be sneaky.
This carrd aims to document ALL of them and prevent that.
Last updated: Monday October 16th, 2023, 8:14 PM CST

The codes included are for radqueers, for propara people, transID/transX/trans+, and some other terms that these people tend to use.
And a page with definitions for everything, as well.
Also note, just because someone uses any of the emojis listed doesn't mean anything. Look around their account to see if they've posted a lot of these emojis. Many aren't ashamed and make their accounts solely around the concept of being radqueer, but some are pretty under the radar and blog normally. Just use your best judgement.

Even more terms to watch for.

Transage vs Chronosian: What's the difference?


The creator of this carrd has nothing against people who have paraphilias, even the harmful ones. It's the fact that propara and radqueer people are trying to say that you should have pride in them, or ACT upon them, that is very disgusting.
People with "the big three" (pedo, necro, and zoo) should be allowed to get help, and not be shamed for something they can't control. But of course, radqueers/proparas don't aim to help people with these types of paraphilias, they instead want to ENABLE them.

In this carrd, "propara" refers to people who support acting upon and being prideful of all paraphilias, including the illegal/harmful ones. Originally, the term was about being positive towards paraphilias and was strictly against acting upon the harmful ones, but that definition is almost never used now. So be VERY wary of people who label themselves "propara". Propara as the original definition is making a comeback in some places, so again, just use your best judgment in regards to this, it's usually very easy to tell who is using this in good faith.

Also, a random tidbit of info:
Did you know, that it's against the rules to promote acting upon paraphilias, or make pride flags for paraphilias and radqueer related things on Dreamwidth~?
The radqueers/proparas tried to jump ship from Tumblr and head to Dreamwidth, but:

So all those propara/radqueer accounts on Dreamwidth are reportable~

General Terms

Terms relating to general radqueer stuff.

🐭 / 🐁 / πŸŒˆπŸ“ / πŸ“πŸŒˆRadqueer
πŸ₯„ / 🧿Paraphile
β˜‚οΈ / πŸ₯ / πŸ”TransX / TransID / Trans+
🌷 / 🧬 / βš–οΈ"Consang / Consenual Incest"
🌲 / πŸ’š / πŸ”“ / ρPro-contact
🌳 / ❀️ / πŸ”’ / Ο‚Anti-contact
🌱 / πŸ’› / πŸ” / Ξ΅Neutral-contact
🌿 / πŸ’™ / πŸ” / Ο„Complex-contact
🌡 / πŸ’œ / πŸ”‘Restricted-contact
πŸ€ / 🀍 / πŸ—οΈPro-consent
πŸ€‘β€ΌοΈ / 🀑πŸ’₯Trollpunk


"Object of their desires" is a stand in for animals, children, and dead bodies.
I just didn't want to type that over and over again.

  • Radqueer = A group of people who think that all paraphilias are okay to have pride in and act upon, think that children/animals/dead bodies can consent, and also view transID/transX/trans+ identities as valid.

  • Paraphile = Someone with a paraphilia(s).

  • TransX/TransID/Trans+ = Harmful and invalid "identities" such as trangsage, transabled, transrace/trace, transdivergent, etc.

  • Consang/Consensual Incest = "Ethical, consensual love between two adult family members, or two minors who are close in age."

  • Pro-contact = Paraphiles who advocate for sexual relationships with the object of their desires, paraphiles who want to interact with the object of their desires.

  • Anti-contact = Paraphiles who are against sexually harming the object of their desires or having sexual relationships with them, paraphiles who don't want to interact with the object of their desires. Note that if they're not lying, they still might be viewing illegal things, depending on their paraphilia, because they view it as okay because they're not "in physical contact" with it/them.

  • Neutral-contact = Paraphiles who don't care if someone is pro-contact or anti-contact, paraphiles who try not to interact with the object of their desires but won't go out of their way to avoid them.

  • Complex-contact = Paraphiles who have "complex beliefs" about contact, who have different stances for different situations.

  • Restricted-contact = Paraphiles who think that while it's not okay to have sexual relationships with the object of their desires, you can have romantic relationships with them instead.

  • Pro-consent = The belief that children, animals, and dead bodies can consent to having sexual relationships with an adult.

  • Trollpunk = Reclaiming terms coined to troll. It's a shame this was coined by a radqueer, because it's not harmful.

Propara Terms

Terms relating to propara things.
Note that not all of these are harmful, and are just kinks/fetishes.

🍸 / β˜€οΈ / πŸ—ΊοΈMAP / Minor Attracted Person
πŸŒ‚ / 🧸 / πŸ₯€ / πŸ›Ό / πŸ§ƒAAM / Adult Attracted Minor
πŸ”¦ / πŸ—οΈAAP / Adult Attracted Person
🍯 / πŸ₯ / πŸ”–πŸΈ / πŸ”–β˜€οΈ / πŸ”–πŸ—ΊοΈFicto-MAP
🐾 / πŸͺΆZoophilia
🐲 / πŸ‰ / πŸ’ŽDrakophilia
πŸ₯š / πŸ§‹Oviphilia / Ovipositophilia
πŸ“– / πŸ”–Fictophilia
🧟 / βŒ› / ⚰️ / πŸͺ¦Necrophilia
🌹 / πŸ₯€Bisatophilia
πŸ’€ / πŸ›οΈSomnophilia
⚾ / ⚽Pokephilia
πŸ›οΈ / πŸ–²οΈObjectophilia
πŸ«€ / 🀺Emapihtophilia
🩸 / πŸ’‰Haemotophilia
πŸ’ / πŸ‘‘ / πŸ“ΏJeuliephilia
πŸ•ΈοΈ / πŸͺ’Bondage / Shibari
πŸͺ΅ / 🌱 / 🌿Dendrophilia
πŸŒ‘ / πŸŒ™Nyctophilia
πŸ₯© / πŸ–Metephilia
🧊 / ❄️Glaciulaphilia
πŸ‘€ / πŸ‘οΈVigiliaphilia
πŸ”ͺ / πŸ—‘οΈ / βš”οΈOplophilia
⛓️ / πŸͺœ / πŸͺ€Apagophilia
πŸ’§ / 😒Dacryphilia
πŸ₯› / 🍼Lactophilia
🧡 / πŸ¦„Plushophilia
πŸ“š / πŸ“–Bibliophilia
βœ’οΈ / πŸ–‹οΈCalligraphilia
🩺 / πŸ’ŠPeiramaphile
❀️ / πŸ’•Opophilia
πŸ’₯ / πŸ”ŠMagnaphilia
🎡 / 🎢 / 🎼Musophilia
πŸ‘£ / 🦢Podophilia
βœ‹ / πŸ–οΈCheirophilia
🌧️ / β˜”Pluviophilia
🫁 / πŸ’¨Biophilia
🎎 / πŸ—ΏAgalmatophilia
πŸ“Έ / πŸŽ₯Autagonistophilia
πŸ’ͺ / πŸ”±Cratolagnia / Sthenolagnia
🍎 / 🀰Maiesiophilia
🌊 / β›΅Aquaphilia
βš™οΈ / πŸ”— / πŸ—œοΈ / πŸ”©Mechanophilia / Mechaphilia
♨️ / πŸ’―Omegaverse
🧸🧢 / 🌸✨ / 🌟⏲️ / πŸŽ€πŸ¦MAM / Minor Attracted Minor
πŸ§ƒπŸΈ / 🧸🍸 / 🍧🍸 / πŸ§ƒβ˜€οΈ / πŸ§Έβ˜€οΈ / πŸ§β˜€οΈ / πŸ§ƒπŸ—ΊοΈ / πŸ§ΈπŸ—ΊοΈ / πŸ§πŸ—ΊοΈMinor MAP
πŸͺ³πŸΎ / πŸ¦—πŸΎ / πŸ›πŸΎInsect Zoophile
πŸ•πŸΎ / 🐢🐾Canine Zoophile
🐈🐾 / 🐱🐾Feline Zoophile
πŸ•ŠοΈπŸΎBird Zoophile
🐍🐾 / 🐊🐾 / 🦎🐾Reptile Zoophile
🌈🐾Multispecies Zoophile
πŸ”–πŸΎ / πŸ”–πŸͺΆFicto-Zoophile
😘πŸ”ͺ / ✨πŸͺ“Autoassasinphilia
πŸ₯„πŸͺ¦ / πŸͺ¦ πŸ₯„ / 🧿πŸͺ¦ / πŸͺ¦ 🧿ParaPunk (Non-reclaimed)
πŸ₯„❔ / ❔ πŸ₯„ / πŸ₯„❓ / ❓ πŸ₯„ / πŸ§Ώβ” / ❔ 🧿 / πŸ§Ώβ“ / β“πŸ§ΏQuestioning Para
🀝πŸ₯„ / πŸ₯„πŸ€ / 🀝🧿 / 🧿🀝Paraphilia Hoarder
🌈πŸ₯„ / 🌈🧿Panphilia / Omniphilia
πŸ₯„4️πŸ₯„ / 🧿4️🧿Paraphile4Paraphila


Note that a lot of these could be considered harmless kinks, or not even a paraphilia but more just a "like/appreciation" for something. But the person who made most of the radqueer and propara codes seems to want to make EVERYTHING into a paraphilia.

  • Childlove = Another name for the MAP movement that has been seeing some prominence. The symbol is a reference to the childlove swirled sun "logo".

  • MAP / Minor Attracted Person = A pedophile, an adult who sexually/romantically likes minors.

  • AAM / Adult Attracted Minor = A minor who is sexually/romantically attracted to an adult.

  • AAP / Adult Attracted Person = A person who... Likes adults? This is a very redundant term.

  • Ficto-MAP = Someone who is attracted fictional minors.

  • Zoophilia = Attraction to real animals. NOT the same as furries.

  • Drakophilia = A paraphilia for dragons.

  • Oviphilia / Ovipositophilia = A paraphilia for egg laying.

  • Fictophilia = A paraphilic attraction to fictional characters. NOT the same as fictosexual or fictoromantic, which are valid aspec identities.

  • Necrophilia = Attraction to dead bodies.

  • Bisatophilia = Sexual arousal and excitement based on surprising or attacking a stranger sexually. Basically a paraphilia for raping others.

  • Auto-Biastophilia = Like the same as above, but instead it's a paraphilia about GETTING raped.

  • Somnophilia = The desire to have sex with an unconscious person who is unable to respond.

  • Pokephilia = Paraphilic attraction to pokemon. This isn't really a paraphilia, and can just be classified under furries.

  • Objectophilia = Sexual or romantic attraction focused on particular inanimate objects. It can be a paraphilia, but can also be a valid attraction, when it is it's typically called objectum.

  • Aptophilia = A paraphilia for grooming, regardless of the age attraction.

  • Auto-Aptophilia = Same as above, but GETTING groomed.

  • AAM4MAP = Where an adult-attracted minor wants to be in a relationship with a minor-attracted person (pedophile).

  • Emapihtophilia = A paraphilia in which an individual is aroused by vomiting, or by seeing others vomit.

  • Haemotophilia = A paraphilic attraction to blood/bleeding.

  • Jeuliephilia = Attraction to jewelry.

  • Barlophilia = Attraction to bees. Was originally a troll label but people reclaimed it and made it into a legit zoophile label.

  • Bondage / Shibari = Not a paraphilia. The act of being tied up or tying someone up. Shibari refers to a specific type of rope work.

  • Dendrophilia = Attraction to trees.

  • Nyctophilia = Attraction to darkness or the night.

  • Pyrophilia = Attraction to fire.

  • Metephilia = Attraction to meat.

  • Traumaphilia = Attract to trauma. Can be to injuries, or it can be people with trauma.

  • Glaciulaphilia = Attraction to ice.

  • Vigiliaphilia = A fetish for being a stalker.

  • Oplophilia = A paraphilia for blade weapons.

  • Hoplophilia = A paraphilia for guns.

  • Apagophilia = A paraphilia for kidnapping or being kidnapped.

  • Dacryphilia = A paraphilia for crying/tears.

  • Lactophilia = A paraphilia for lactating/breast milk.

  • Masquephilia = Attraction to masks and/or masked individuals.

  • Plushophilia = A paraphilia involving stuffed animals/plushies.

  • Bibliophilia = A paraphilic attraction to books.

  • Calligraphilia = A paraphilic attraction to writing/calligraphy.

  • Peiramaphile = Paraphilic attraction to experimenting on someone/being experimented on.

  • Opophilia = Unknown. It might have been misspelled, and is instead Topophilia, which is a paraphilic attraction to a place.

  • Magnaphilia = A paraphilia attraction to lound sounds.

  • Odontophilia = A paraphilic attraction to teeth.

  • Musophilia = A paraphilic attraction to music.

  • Spectrophlia = A sexual attraction to either ghost, or images in the mirror.

  • Podophilia = A paraphilic attraction to feet.

  • Cheirophilia = A paraphilic attraction to hands.

  • Pluviophilia = A paraphilic attraction to rain.

  • Biophilia = Not even a paraphilia, the definition is "an innate love for the natural world, supposed to be felt universally by humankind". If I had to guess, it would be a paraphilia for... Biology? Nature, the human body?

  • Erotophonophilia = Sexual satisfaction from killing someone.

  • Agalmatophilia = Sexual attraction to statues.

  • Autagonistophilia = A paraphilia in which sexual arousal and orgasm are contingent upon displaying one's self in a live show.

  • Acrotomophilia = A paraphilia for amputees and becoming an amputee.

  • Cratolagnia / Sthenolagnia = Sexual arousal from displaying strength or muscles.

  • Maiesiophilia = A paraphilic attraction to pregnancy.

  • Taphophilia = A paraphilic love of funerals, tombstones.

  • Aquaphilia = A paraphilia involving an attraction to swimsuits, water and submersion.

  • Mechanophilia / Mechaphilia = A sexual attraction to machines.

  • Omegaverse = Not a paraphilia, but a fictional trope. Stories in the genre are premised on societies wherein humans are divided into a dominance hierarchy of dominant "alphas", neutral "betas", and submissive "omegas".

  • Autoimlaphilia = The attraction to self-shipping with a character in an incest/consang way.

  • Necrobiophilia = A term for those who are attracted to beings that are both dead and alive; attraction to the undead. So someone who likes both dead people and alive people.

  • MAM / Minor Attracted Minor = A minor who is attracted to other minors. This term could mean a minor experiencing a NORMAL attraction to another minor, or it could mean a minor who is attracted to a much younger minor.

  • Minor MAP = The definition isn't clear, but it could refer to a minor who identifies as a MAP, or a minor who is 16-17 and not an adult but their attraction towards much younger minors is still considered pedophilic.

  • Insect Zoophile = A zoophile who likes insects.

  • Canine Zoophile = A zoophile who likes dogs.

  • Feline Zoophile = A zoophile who likes cats.

  • Bird Zoophile = A zoophile who likes birds.

  • Reptile Zoophile = A zoophile who likes reptiles.

  • Multispecies Zoophile = A zoophile who likes multiple species.

  • Ficto-Zoophile = A zoophile who likes fictional animals, again not the same as a furry.

  • Autoassasinphilia = A paraphilia in which sexual arousal and the achievement of orgasm are facilitated by the fantasy or belief that one is in danger of being killed.

  • Misophilia = A paraphilic attraction to dirty things.

  • ParaPunk (Non-reclaimed) = A movement to radically care for all paraphiliacs. However, because this was made by a radqueer who was pro-contact and pro-consent, it shouldn't be used.

  • Questioning Para = Questioning if you have a paraphilia.

  • Paraphilia Hoarder = Hoarding paraphilias.

  • Panphilia / Omniphilia = Having all the paraphilias.

  • Paraphile4Paraphile = A paraphile who wants to be in a relationship with another paraphile I guess.

TransID/TransX/Trans+ terms

Terms relating to transID/transX/trans+ stuff.
Note that transgender is NOT a transX/transID/trans+ term, no matter what these people say.
Chronosian/chronopeculiar is crossed out because it is NOT transID, but I left it there so that you can still see what radqueers/transID people use for the emojis. Chances are that if someone uses those emojis to represent Chronosian, they're transID.
This also applies to aldernic, I'm just putting this here for ways to spot radqueers.

β˜‚οΈ / πŸ₯ / πŸ” / πŸ”€TransID
🌐 / ☁️ / πŸ”³Trace / Transracial / Diaracial
🦯 / 🦿 / 🦽Transabled
♾️ / πŸ”„Transautistic
πŸ¦‹ / 🫧TransADHD
πŸ•°οΈ / πŸ₯£Chronosian / Chronopeculiar
🧠TransSeverity / TransIntensity
🐚 / 🧼TransEndogenic
πŸ”•TransDeaf / TransHOH
πŸ•°οΈβ° / πŸ₯£β°Transian
πŸŒˆβ˜‚οΈ / 🌈πŸ₯ / πŸŒˆπŸ”PanTransID / Trans Everything
πŸ›‘οΈπŸ–‡οΈ / πŸ›‘οΈπŸ–‡οΈTransDIDOSDD / TransOSDDID
β˜‚οΈβ” / πŸ₯❔ / πŸ”β” / β˜‚οΈβ“ / πŸ₯❓ / πŸ”β“Questioning TransID
β˜‚οΈπŸ€ / πŸ₯🀝 / πŸ”πŸ€TransID Hoarder
πŸ’±/🧳Dianational / Transnationality
πŸ›Diareligious / Transreligious
πŸŒ…Diaethnic / Trethnic
🧬/🩻Diabody / Transbody
πŸ”ΆAldernic (NOT transID)
πŸ“Diaheight / Transheight
βš–οΈDiaweight / Transweight
🩸 / 🎐Transamia / Transblood
🌱OtY / Older to Younger
🌾YtO / Younger to Older
☯ / πŸŽ‘Transopinion
🐘 / πŸ₯šTransrepublican
🐎 / πŸ—³οΈTransdemocrat
πŸ’­ / πŸ’‘Transphantasia
πŸ’½ / πŸ’ΏTransthymesia
πŸ’” / πŸ’’Transhate / Transhateful
πŸ“£ / 😈Transharm / Transharmful
πŸ”ƒπŸ”ͺ / πŸ”ƒπŸ—‘ / πŸ”ƒπŸ”«Transkiller / Transmurderer
πŸ’œΟŸΟŸ / πŸ’œπŸž/πŸš©β›ΈTransnazi
πŸ’™ΟŸΟŸ / πŸ’™πŸž/🚩🌫Transneonazi


  • TransID = Wanting to "transition" to another race, abled-status, age, etc. Very harmful.

  • Trace / Transracial / Diaracial = Identifying as another race from your own. Transracial used to be the old term, but it has another, non-transID meaning to it (specified in Safe Terms).

  • Transabled = Someone who desires a specific incapability or disability (for example, amputation, paralysis, or blindness), it can also be used to describe those who internally feel as if they are or should be disabled.

  • TransSpecies = People trying to make otherkin/therian/alterhumans/aldrenics into a transID identity. Potentially a zoophilic term if they are using it to justify their "relationship" with an animal. See Safe Terms for more details about this term.

  • Transautistic = Wanting to gain autism.

  • TransADHD = Wanting to gain ADHD.

  • Chronosian / Chronopeculiar = See Safe Terms for this. It is NOT a transID/transX/trans+ identity.

  • Transage = Means the same thing as chronosian, but radqueers have also warped it to mean: Wanting to "transition" to another age. THAT definition is wrong, it's not what it is supposed to mean. Most people who are transage and use that definition are also MAPs, and try to use this label to "justify" being a pedophile, similar to the 4chan troll term "clovergender".

  • Transplural = Wanting to become plural.

  • TransSeverity / TransIntensity = "Identifying with/desiring a different severity of a disability or disorder that you already have."

  • TransBPD = Wanting to gain BPD.

  • TransEndogenic = Wanting to transition into an endogenic system... Instead of just being a willogenic system, I guess.

  • MetaPlural = "Those who are transplural who are transitioning and or starting to transition to plural."

  • TransMute = Wanting to become mute.

  • TransMuteFlux = "Term for one who fluctuates between feeling they were/are supposed to be mute, semi-verbal or verbal."

  • TransDeaf / TransHOH = Wanting to become deaf/hard of hearing.

  • TransDID = Wanting to gain DID.

  • TransOSDD = Wanting to gain OSDD.

  • Caneian = Those who want to use a cane even though they bodily do not need one.

  • Transian = Someone who is "transage" and chronosian at the same time.

  • PanTransID / Trans Everything = "Being" or wanting to be every trans label.

  • TransDIDOSDD / TransOSDDID = Wanting both DID and OSDD.

  • TransGenic / TransGenic-Punk = Unknown. It might have something to do with being "trans-system", but I'm not sure.

  • Questioning TransID = Questioning if you're transID.

  • TransID Hoarder = Someone who hoards transID labels.

  • TransPlural4TransPlural = Someone who is transplural and wants to be in a relationship with someone who is also transplural.

  • Transpower = Wanting/feeling like you should have a power/ability humans (generally) do not have.

  • Dianational / Transnationality = Wanting to transition into a different nationality, instead of becoming a citizen of another nation I guess.

  • Diareligious / Transreligious = Wanting to transition into a different religion, instead of literally just choosing to be another religion.

  • Diaethnic / Trethnic = Wanting to transition into a different ethnicity.

  • Diabody / Transbody = Wanting to transition into a different body. NOT the same as aldernic.

  • Diaheight / Transheight = Wanting to transition into a different height.

  • Diaweight / Transweight = Wanting to transition into a different weight, instead of losing weight/gaining weight I guess.

  • Transamia / Transblood = A term for those who feel as though they have or should have different blood in some way.

  • OtY / Older to Younger = An older-to-younger transage person is someone whose internal age is younger than their chronological age.

  • YtO / Younger to Older = A younger-to-older transage person is someone whose internal age is older than their chronological age.

  • Transepilepsy = Wanting to have epilepsy.

  • Transitem = Wanting to transition into an item, I suppose?

  • Transzodiac = A transzodiac individual is someone who identifies with a zodiac sign different from the one that corresponds to their calendar date of birth.

  • Transopinion = Wanting to have an opinion that you do not have.

  • Transrepublican = Wanting to be a republican when you are not one.

  • Transdemocrat = Wanting to be a democrat when you are not one.

  • Transphantasia = A transID term for when one feels like they should have/want a better/worse/different phantasia (mental imagery) than they currently do.

  • Transthymesia = A transID term for when one feels like/wants their memory to be better/worse/different.

  • Transhate / Transhateful = Any identity that is hateful in nature. Includes but isn't limited to acts or groups that are racist, misogynist, sexist, ageist, eugenicist, etc.

  • Transharm / Transharmful = Any identity that is inherent harm by nature whether that be physically, verbally, mentally, sexually, neglectfully, or psychologically. This includes transhateful terms.

  • Ariesdiazodia = Transzodiac for Aries.

  • Taurusdiazodia = Transzodiac for Taurus.

  • Geminidiazodia = Transzodiac for Gemini.

  • Cancerdiazodia = Transzodiac for Cancer.

  • Leodiazodia = Transzodiac for Leo.

  • Virgodiazodia = Transzodiac for Virgo.

  • Libradiazodia = Transzodiac for Libra.

  • Scopriodiazodia = Transzodiac for Scoprio.

  • Saggitarusdiazodia = Transzodiac for Saggitarus.

  • Capricorndiazodia = Transzodiac for Capricorn.

  • Aquariusdiazodia = Transzodiac for Aquarius.

  • Piscesdiazodia = Transzodiac for Pisces.

  • Ophiuchusdiazodia = Transzodiac for Ophiuchus.

  • Transcriminal = A transid identity in wherein one identifies as or feels as though they should be a criminal.

  • Transkiller / Transmurderer = A transid identity in wherein one identifies as or feels as though they should be a killer/murderer.

  • Transnazi = Wanting to be a nazi.

  • Transneonazi = Wanting to be a neonazi.

Other Terms

Terms relating to assorted things radqueers/transID/propara people tend to use.
Most of these are not radqueer/transID/propara, but it's still worth knowing them.
Intra age and agefluid/ageflux have been used before radqueers by systems/plural individuals.
The citrus scale is something people use for fanfiction to judge how nsfw it is.

πŸ—“Chronological Age
πŸ”ž / ⏳Chronologically 18<
🚼 / 🧽Chronologically >18
🦺 / πŸ”Internally 18<
🧦 / 🍣Internally >18
πŸ—“πŸ–€No Chrono-Age
πŸ—“β“Questioning Chrono-Age
β›…Agefluid / Ageflux
πŸ”’DMs Closed
πŸ”Ask to DM or Friends Only
πŸ”“DMs open
🍈Citrus (Citrus Scale)
πŸ‹Lemon (Citrus Scale)
🍊Orange (Citrus Scale)
πŸ‡Grapefruit (Citrus Scale)
πŸ”΅PARIN (PARaphilic In Nature)


  • Chronological Age =

  • Chronologically 18< = Bodily an adult/over 18.

  • Chronologically >18 = Bodily a minor/under 18.

  • Internally 18< = Internally an adult/over 18.

  • Internally >18 = Internally a minor/under 18.

  • Chrono-Minor = Bodily a minor/under 18.

  • Chrono-Adult = Bodily an adult/over 18.

  • Xeno-Chrono = Their bodily/IRL age is... Xeno? Probably models itself after xenogenders somehow.

  • No Chrono-Age = "Having no IRL/bodily age".

  • Questioning Chrono-Age = "Questioning your IRL/bodily age".

  • Agefluid / Ageflux = Your age is fluid or fluctates.

  • DMs Closed = DMs are closed.

  • Ask to DM or Friends Only = You need to ask to DM, or be their friend before you can DM them.

  • DMs open = DMs are open.

  • Citrus (Citrus Scale) = "Citrus is used to describe the most mild interactions on the scale, such as a romantic hug or a kiss on the cheek."

  • Orange (Citrus Scale) = "Orange is used for kissing, hugs, and some more touching beyond that that begins to have a hint of sexuality."

  • Lemon (Citrus Scale) = "Lemons have actual sex."

  • Grapefruit (Citrus Scale) = "Occasionally, a fifth fruit (well, fourth, since citrus itself isn't actually a single fruit) is added. It is generally said to be the X-rated or truly bizarre lemons, but it is not widely used."

  • PARIN = An identity nature that means PARaphilic In Nature. It can be applied to genders, types of attraction, pronouns, modes of presentation, etc.

  • Paraspec = The spectrum of paraphilic identities.

  • Aldernic = NOT transID, but this is what emoji radqueers use for it.

Some safe, non-radqueer terms

Some safe terms that you should also know. These terms are NOT radqueer/transID/propara in any way, shape or form. For some of these terms, radqueers/transID/propara people have TRIED to appropriate them, in some cases against the coiner's wishes.

  • Chronosian = A term that was created to be an alternative to transage, since the experience is valid so long as you use it in good faith and to NOT try and justify pedophilia. More info on this carrd. Chronosian is NOT transID, and the creator has specifically asked for people to not label it as such, or tag it as such. They also don't want it tagged with "transage/altage" tags, either. Some very disrespectful transID/radqueer people have gone against their wishes. If you see anyone refer to chronosian as a transID/transage label, be wary.

  • AMAB Transmasc / AFAB Transfem = Some transID people have been trying to appropriate this to mean "cis people who want to be trans", and some transphobes also use that term, BUT! This also is a legitimate term for intersex people who were assigned a gender at birth, but later identify as a trans man or trans woman.

  • Transracial (Adoptee) = Someone who is adopted by a parent/parents who are not their own race.

  • BIID / Xenomelia = Body integrity identity disorder is a disorder where a person desires the amputation of one or more healthy limbs or who desire a paralysis. This is NOT the same as "transabled".

  • TransSpecies = This is another term that is valid as long as it is used in good faith and to not justify zoophilia. This can refer to otherkin, therians, alterhumans, or aldernics.

  • TransAutism, TransADHD note = These terms sometimes are used to describe people with those conditions who are also transgender. This is because those terms were made BEFORE all this transID crap started happening. So always double check.

Assorted terms

Some other terms that you should just keep in mind, since they tend to be used by radqueers/propara/transID people.

  • Ptomix = "A gender associated with necrophilia". It's obvious why you should look out for this one.

  • Clovergender (non-reclaimed) = A "gender" used by pedophiles to try and excuse being a pedophile by "identifying as a younger age". There are people who use clovergender in a reclaimed way to mean a xenogender connected with clovers, but it's usually very obvious who is using it in good faith and who isn't.

  • Trans+ = A new attempt at referring to transX/transID, in order to better hide and be able to talk about it without raising suspicion.

  • Necrogenic/Zoogenic/MAPgenic/Pedogenic = Some "system origins" that are claimed to be related to being a necrophile, a zoophile, or a pedophile. Once again, it should be obvious why you need to look out for these.

  • Biohazardqueer/Warqueer - A new term for radqueer. Claims to be "a mixture of radqueer and radinclus", and is also supportive of minors-in-kink (MIK) and consanguinity (incest) among other things.

  • Dovequeer - A new term for radqueer. "Supports the transID and para community", is "anti harassment and not involved in discourse", and "is a safe person for all identities". Emoji combo is πŸ•ŠοΈπŸŒ».

  • Dia- / Muto- Prefixes = Something I've noticed is that instead of using the trans- prefix, some of these terms will be referred to with dia- or muto-, so I thought it was worth mentioning. Any of the trans- terms could be used with dia- or muto- so be aware of that, because once again it's something to be sneaky, really.

  • Heartqueer = Yet another term for radqueer. "A queer identity in which one is wholly and entirely accepting every individual’s differences. This includes but is not limited to: paraphilia, transID identities, gender, and so forth. Heartqueer individuals are explicitly anti-harassment." Emoji combos πŸ’•πŸŽ€ and πŸ’•πŸŒˆ.

  • Radsafe = "An identity that advocates for radically protecting not only all queer identities but other equally good-faith non-normative identities, as well as all forms of safe consensual love", in other words just yet another term for radqueer to avoid detection. πŸ•ŠοΈ is an emoji code for it.

  • Faunoiphilia/Faunoiphile = Zoophilic voyeurism. So basically just... Zoophilia with a more specific name, so watch out for that.

  • KAG/GAK = β€œKids Atracted To Grown Ups” and β€œGrown Ups Attracted To Kids”. Basically two new terms for AAM and MAP.

  • YAP = Youth Attracted Person. Just another name for a MAP.'

  • Anti-abuse = What some radqueers are using in the place of contact stances now. I debated putting this on here, but so far ALL of the radqueers that I have seen using this term have some really alarming behaviors, such as debating "what counts as contact, anyways?" among other things. However, non-radqueer paraphiles tend to use this to actually mean something good and normal. So watch out and use your judgement, basically.

Transage vs Chronosian?

An explanation of what the labels mean, and why some people use one and not the other.

So: Transage vs chronosian. What's the difference? Aren't they the same thing?
The answer is yes, they are the same thing. So why make two labels?
As the carrd says, chronosian was made when people became uncomfortable using the transage term. Reasons for this include the community becoming more pro-contact MAP for some reason, and people also misusing the term to insinuate that you can "transition to another age", which isn't what transage/chronosian means.The term essentially means having a disconnect with your "internal age" ("mental" age, although because of albeist connotations it's not referred to as that) and your "external age", aka how old your body is. As the carrd also explains, it's a valid experience to have, and is common in victims of trauma, and in neurodivergent people. It's also common in aldernic/alterhuman people, and otherkin/therian people, and also common in systems/plural people.People just felt uncomfortable with the transage label because of the influx of pro-contact MAPs and also radqueers who use the term. 4chan also co-opted the definition of transage to mean "transitioning to another age to be in a relationship with children" as a part of black propaganda (propaganda made to look like it was said by the people they are targeting), transage has NEVER meant "transitioning to another age". Some radqueers use chronosian, but I have noticed that most of them use the transage label for some reason. Perhaps it's because it follows the "transX" naming system, who knows. Whatever the case, enough people got uncomfortable enough with it to desire a new term to be made, and thus chronosian was born.The creator has asked people to not tag it with transage/altage labels and tags because of this. However, disrespectful radqueers have purposely tagged chronosian coining posts (ones they made or ones they've reblogged) with those terms, because they are upset that the creator is uncomfortable with transID/transX people and MAPs in general.In short: Transage and chronosian mean the same thing. It's mostly just a preference thing, because one label has been tarnished for some people. There are non-radqueers who use transage labels, and radqueers who use chronosian labels, but that's neither here nor there. Both labels should be respected, but I just wanted to let people know that one label seems to be used by radqueers more often, and thus should be regarded with caution.